Alicia Romero, PSC spokesperson in Parliament and Secretary for Universities and Research, has learned first-hand how the Vocational Training model in the Basque Country works, as well as the relationship with the business network, during a visit to the Somorrostro Training Centre. This Centre has a strategic alliance with Petronor, by virtue of which they jointly design training plans to…
Hasta el próximo 30 de septiembre de 2021, estará abierto el plazo para solicitar las becas y ayudas al estudio para la escolarización de estudiantes de niveles no universitarios para el curso académico 2021-2022 (en nuestro caso dirigidas al alumnado de ESO, Bachillerato y FP). En este enlace encontrarás las instrucciones elaboradas específicamente para nuestro alumnado. A modo de…
VET enrolment instructions * To register you need to collect the registration ENVELOPE (NO appointment is needed). ** For the formalisation of the registration it will be necessary to make an APPOINTMENT in advance at: Publication of the provisional lists: July 9 ( Complaints to the provisional lists: Until July 12 PHASE I Publication of final lists and…
After two years of work, we have reached the end of the European project VIRAL SKILLS, led at the centre by Fernando Garai, with the collaboration of Jon Barrueco and in which we have worked with seven partners from six EU countries (Austria, Ireland, Germany, Italy and Cyprus). What is the Viral Skills project about? Fernando Garai: The aim…
“More than 80 entities will form part of BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK, a great alliance to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Bizkaia”. A total of 83 entities will form part of BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK, an alliance between organisations to achieve the sustainable development goals. The 2030 Agenda is a call to action to end poverty, protect the…
The first Local Energy Community in the Basque Country generated in the educational environment, the “TEK Somorrostro“, has been presented in an event held at the Meatzari Aretoa. This initiative created thanks to the collaboration between our school and EDINOR, and with the support of Muskiz town council, promotes a cleaner, more efficient and cheaper model of energy self-consumption. This…
Organised by the GUREKIN Group and thanks to the support of the AMPA, we have held various theoretical and practical workshops to raise awareness among the youngest students of the problem of alcohol and drug consumption and its influence on driving and on the performance of different actions of our everyday life. After receiving training from David Herrero, PhD in…
The final event of the Zientzia Azoka 2021, organized annually by the Elhuyar Foundation, was held today at the Arenal in Bilbao. On this occasion, and for health reasons, the fair could not be held in the Plaza Nueva and all the projects presented could not be there, only the 20 finalists have had the honor of sharing their work…
We already have the exam board in which our students will be assessed for the University Access Examination (EBAU) 2021. Remember: Place of Exam: BEC (Barakaldo) – Pabellón 2 Tribunal: Nº 11 Time of meeting 1st Day (Tuesday 8): 8:00 in the principal entrance of BEC Recordatorios: You must carry the proof that you are enrolled in the test printed…
As of today, 31 May, the process for the allocation of places in Vocational Training for the 2021-2022 academic year begins. This is regulated in the ORDER of 27 May 2021, which establishes the common calendar for the submission of applications, admission deadlines and enrolment for the 2021-2022 academic year. IMPORTANT NOTES: All persons interested in participating in the…