University Access Examination (Selectividad) 2021

We already have the exam board in which our students will be assessed for the University Access Examination (EBAU) 2021. Remember: Place of Exam: BEC (Barakaldo) – Pabellón 2 Tribunal: Nº 11 Time of meeting 1st Day (Tuesday 8): 8:00 in the principal entrance of BEC   Recordatorios: You must carry the proof that you are enrolled in the test printed…

Admission Process for Vocational Training Cycles

As of today, 31 May, the process for the allocation of places in Vocational Training for the 2021-2022 academic year begins. This is regulated in the ORDER of 27 May 2021, which establishes the common calendar for the submission of applications, admission deadlines and enrolment for the 2021-2022 academic year.   IMPORTANT NOTES: All persons interested in participating in the…

Winners in the 4th edition of the EUSKELEC 2021 race

On Saturday 29th May, the 4th edition of the EUSKELEC electric car race organised by Tknika (a centre promoted by the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training to promote innovation in vocational training centres in the Basque Country) was held on the seafront of the Bilbao Maritime Museum. On this occasion 19 VET centres took part in the race, and for the…

Presentation of the new “Master in Hydrogen Technologies”

The new “Master’s Degree in Hydrogen Technologies” was presented today at the AS Fabrik Campus of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Bilbao, a training programme promoted by the Repsol-Petronor Group, designed and backed by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, and the University of Zaragoza, as well as the…

Recruitment assistance: LEHEN AUKERA program

LANBIDE-Basque Employment Service has approved the Lehen Aukera Program, a call for grants for the year 2021, aimed at Basque companies for hiring unemployed young people under 30, . The purpose of this call is to establish the bases and regulate the aid granted for hiring young people, unemployed and with little or no previous work experience, in jobs related…

Twelve years participating in the FIRST LEGO League

On Saturday 8th of May, 400 Basque schoolchildren aged between 10 and 16 took part in the 12th edition of FLL Euskadi. Complying with all the social and health measures, they lived an unforgettable experience and helped us to understand how we can transform sport and games in our lives. 45 teams divided across the 3 venues (Deusto-Bilbao, Donostia and…

Young scientists

Our 2nd B ESO students have presented the #STEAM projects (Solar Fridge and Allelopathic Cupboard) with which they are going to participate in the Zientzia Azoka 2021 organised by the Elhuyar Foundation. During the presentation, the students explained their projects to their classmates and were attended by the Councillor for the Environment and the Environment Technician of Muskiz Town Council,…

El Centro de Formación Somorrostro y Edinor lanzan la primera Comunidad Energética Escolar en Euskadi

Se instalarán placas fotovoltaicas en el centro que proveerán de energía solar a 150 familias del entorno   CF Somorrostro y Edinor han presentado hoy la TEK Somorrostro, la primera Comunidad Energética Local (Tokiko Energia Komunitatea, TEK) que se crea en Euskadi en el ámbito educativo, y en la que podrán participar hasta 150 familias en régimen de autoconsumo compartido…

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