The Secretary of the Somorrostro Training Center is the department responsible for managing the academic aspects related to the students of the Center.
It is located on the second floor of the Villarías Building (entrance from the back patio).
Summer hours (from 25/06):
- Monday 24/06: Closed
- From June 25 the schedule will be from 09:00 to 14:00.
- Monday 1/07: Closed
Enrollment phases extended hours (to be published close to the dates)
Regular hours:
Monday to Thursday:
- From 9:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 17:00
- From 8:30 to 13:30
Telephone: 946 706 045
Fax: 946 706 052
In order to help our students and ex-students with some procedures and to avoid traveling, we have enabled on this website the possibility of applying for different types of certificates.
In case you cannot come personally to pick up the certificate, someone else can do it on your behalf. For that you will have to download and fill in the following form..
Certificado de matriculación
Todos los certificados académicos de alumnos que hayan finalizado sus estudios en cursos posteriores al 15/16, deben solicitar sus certificados en la web IKASGUNEA del Gobierno Vasco.
Si han terminado en cursos anteriores, podéis solicitarlos por mail ( o por teléfono (946706045)
Certificado Digital (ESO, Bachillerato y Ciclos)
Todos los certificados académicos de alumnos que hayan finalizado sus estudios en cursos posteriores al 15/16, deben solicitar sus certificados en la web IKASGUNEA del Gobierno Vasco.
Si han terminado en cursos anteriores, podéis solicitarlos por mail ( o por teléfono (946706045)
Certificado de Gastos
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If you need to contact us, you can fill in the following form and we will answer you as soon as possible.