
Presentation of VET Specialisation Courses

Welcoming of the Industrial Maintenance Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence and BIG DATA groups in the Suberri  Hall at 12:15h.


Information on the start of the academic year 2024/2025

This is the calendar of presentations for all levels for the next academic year 24/25. You can also find in this link the school calendar for the different levels. ESO  9 de septiembre  Salón de actos del edificio SUBERRI 10:00 – 1º ESO 10:30 – 2º ESO 11:00 – 3º ESO 11:30 – 4º ESO  El día de la presentación el alumnado…


VET Enrollment (phase I)

VET: Enrollment begins for people admitted in the Phase I. Ordinary period:  Phase I: From July 11 to July 15 at 2:00 p.m. Phase II: July 17 Phase III: From July 19 to 22 Extraordinary period: July 27 and 28 and from September 1 to October 13


Publication of the PROVISIONAL lists of admitted students in VET

Publication of the provisional list of applications admitted, not admitted and excluded in Vocational Training for the academic year 24/25.


Bachillerato Enrollment

Enrollment in Bachillerato from June 17 to July 2, both inclusive. On these dates, those admitted in the school will have to formalize the registration. To do so, it is necessary to make an APPOINTMENT this link   


Bidean 2024

Gala end of the course of the students who finish ESO in Somorrostro. The event will be held at the Meatzari Aretoa of Muskiz at 17:30.


Cangas de Onís

From 28th to 30th May our 2nd ESO students will enjoy their end-of-year trip to Asturias.



Our 1st ESO students’ experience in Cantabria (from 27th to 29th May)