President: Marian Gutiérrez Badillo
Vicepresident: Inmaculada García Contreras
Secretary: Mónica Arce Salazar
Treasurer: Marian Gutiérrez Badillo
Vocal: Marianela Fernández
Telephone AMPA Marcelo Gangoiti: 94 670 62 17
Service hours: Wednesdays from 10 to 13h.
The AMPA arises with the purpose of giving the parents of the Center’s students a greater chance to actively participate in the school and in the education of their children, in order to collectively improve those things that do not work properly, promoting family-school unity and participation.
The Association was founded on May 10, 1995, under the provisions of Law 3/1988, of February 12 and is registered in the register of Parents’ Associations of students, of the Basque Government on June 28, 1995.
The Associations of Parents of Students are organizations recognized within the educational process (article 5 L.O.D.E. and Royal Decree. 1533/86). The constitution is carried out by means of an agreement in which the will of several parents or guardians to create an Association is stated.
Parents are the principal educators of their children. The associations of parents of students have an important social work that benefits education. That is why it is important to join efforts and reach common points with teachers and education centers.
Those that are constituted in Teaching Centers, public or private, that teach Preschool Education, E.S.O., High School and Professional Training centers, are considered APAs. Only the fathers and mothers or tutors of the students that study in them can be members.
The basic purpose of an Association of Parents of Students is to participate actively in the life of the Center by providing support, encouragement and collaboration in their various educational proposals, both through the A.P.A. itself and through their participation in the School Council.
Parents should and can turn to the Association of Parents of Students, for information on the operation of the Center, make their complaints, make suggestions and provide anything that is considered beneficial to the education of our children.
The Association of Parents of Students (AMPA) has as its main objective “to create and maintain an effective collaboration with the school management team, teachers and students”. Our general aims are also reflected in the statutes. At this moment we group together almost all the families of the students of the school and the participation bodies are the General Assembly and the Board of Directors
The Association of Parents of Students of this center develops different activities that we will report later, but first we want to explain what an AMPA is and what it is for.
- Defend the rights of parents with regard to the education of their children.
- Facilitate the participation of parents in the governing bodies of the Centers.
- Collaborate in the educational work carried out in the school, and in a special way in the complementary and extra-curricular activities.
- Guide and stimulate parents with respect to their obligations in the education of their children.
- Collaborate in the writing, development or modification of the educational Project and the internal regulations of the Center.
We could summarize the role of the APAS by saying that they are entities that demand, participate and energize the school. The importance of belonging to the Association is beneficial for our children, since they have subsidies that make it easier to carry out certain activities within the Center. Also the participation within the own Association deserves to be mentioned, since to be part of the same one, provides a greater dynamism and putting in common of ideas and projects between all, that have the objective to help in the education of our children.
These are acts where the interests of parents, students and/or teachers are defended. When it comes to making demands, it is important to emphasize the need for these not to be reduced to what we could call “the right to kick”, but rather that they involve a realistic and positive proposal to solve the problem that has led to the aforementioned action.
Talks and sharing projects are scheduled, where the participation of parents helps to raise awareness of their own educational actions, realizing the importance of the behavior of parents in the development of the personality of their sons and daughters.
An annual calendar is established for the parent school, as well as other works of interest that the association promotes.
Activities that respond to the needs of free time, and that students and parents can voluntarily choose, appropriate to their age and needs.
Activities offered until now:
- Library
- Bultzapen
- Psychological orientation
- Presentation of orlas
Collaboration with the center in cultural activities
- Monographic Weeks (Cultural Week, Christmas Week and North-South Week)
- Book Edition (collection of literary contests)
- Extracurricular activities (outside the Center’s hours) such as live-in in Murillo de Gállego, cultural trip to Madrid, etc.
- Complementary activities (trip to the snow, etc.)
- Botanical Itinerary SOMOGARDEN
For information on the activities offered each year, please contact the following phones: 946706217 – 946706045
Or send an email to: