Dual VET
To make it possible to obtain a technical or higher vocational training qualification through a learning process, shared between the training center and the company.
To make it easier for young people to enter the labor market, promoting quality jobs.
More information about DUAL VET on the GV webpage: https://www.fpeuskadidual.eus/
The DUAL Vocational Training in Alternating Regime makes it possible to obtain a degree in Technical or Higher Vocational Training through a learning process, which is developed in a shared environment between the training center and the company.
This model of alternate training transfers parts of the learning process to the companies, making them decisive agents in the learning process of the students. It enables to link the training in study centers and in workplaces, better integrating technical and transversal or social skills. More over, it facilitates training and work opportunities for young people, but it also provides companies, in the short and long term, with the necessary personnel with the necessary qualifications to cover the needs of the productive system.
More information about Dual VET in Somorrostro: fpdual@somorrostro.com
The main characteritics of the DUAL VET in the Basque Country are the following:
- Two modalities: contract (Contract for Training and Apprenticeship) or Scholarship (No employment relationship, Company – Training Center Somorrostro – Basque Government ).
- For the Contract modality the student must be under 25, in case of Scholarship there is no age limit.
- In the first year of the training cycle, students only attend classes at the Training Center and must pass all the modules to be able to access the DUAL Vocational Training that takes place during the second year.
- The students must also pass a selection process, agreed between the school and the company.
- The work carried out by the student in the company must be closely related to the modules that are taken in the second year.
- Duration of the stay in the company :
- In case of cotract:
- Maximum: 75% of the agreement hours.
- Minimum: 60% of the agreement hours
- In case of scholarship:
- Maximum: 75% of the agreement hours.
- Minimum: 800h
- Period of stay in the company:
- In case of contract, from the end of the first year in June to June of the following year (1 year contract).
- In case of scholarship, incorporation between June-September until June of the following year.
- The timetable is flexible, but for example:
- Periods in which there are no classes in the school: full time in the company.
- School period (September- February): 3-4h in the company in the afternoon + 4-5h in Somorrostro in the morning. The student goes to school every day.
- Vacations: Depending on the company agreement, they are distributed throughout the year in the periods when the student does not have classes (summer, Christmas or from March).
- Compensation (salary/scholarship):
- It will always be in proportion to the hours of effective work in the company with regard to the hours of the agreement that applies in the same.
- EThe minimum to be received will result from the application of this percentage to the annual SMI of the year in force.
- In the case of Contract, if the agreement includes the training and apprenticeship contract, the terms of the agreement will be applied, always respecting the previous minimum..
- In case of scholarship, the monthly amount may never be less than 60% of the monthly SMI.
- The salaries/scholarships will be updated in January according to the new SMI.
- In case of cotract:
- Coverage of the student during the period of DUAL VET:
- Computes for work life.
- Work accidents and illness (covered by the company’s Mutual Insurance Company) as well as the rest of the common contingencies covered.
- In the modality of contract, in addition, there is contribution for unemployment so they have the right to unemployment benefits (in the Scholarship modality NO).
- Incentives for companies:
- Fees to the SS –> 100% discount (company and student)
- In adittion, in the case of contract (except exclusions): Lanbide grant.
- The evaluation of the student is shared between the school and the company