Erasmus +





Within the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Erasmus sectoral programme addresses the teaching and learning needs of all participants in VET Education, in this sense, all students in VET Training Cycles can participate in the Erasmus Programme, through the activity of student mobility for placements.



This proposal brings prestige and recognition to Vocational Education and Training, while allowing VET students to obtain a higher academic recognition. In order to participate in this mobility programme for work placements, Higher Education Institutions must be in possession of an “extended” Erasmus University Charter, granted by the European Commission, which establishes the fundamental principles and minimum requirements to be respected by Higher Education Institutions.

This Charter contains an Erasmus policy statement, which includes the objectives as well as the measures and actions that the Centre intends to carry out in order to fulfill the requirements and principles of the Charter.



This mobility of VET students aims to organize a stay for around 3 months in a company in another member state, which will help them to acquire a series of specific skills and to understand the economic and social environment of the country, at the same time as they acquire work experience.


  • The sending school must fully recognize the work placement abroad (FCT).
  • The traineeship must be covered by a Traineeship Contract that regulates the duration, its financing, payment conditions and the student’s bank details. signed by the sending school and the student. It must include:
    • General terms and conditions
    • A training agreement containing the training programme to be carried out by the student in the company and a quality commitment, where the three parties undertake to respect the principles of quality.
  • The student will be given the Erasmus Student Charter, which contains the rights and obligations of the student participating in the Erasmus mobility.
  • The student must submit a final report using the official form within 30 days of the end of the placement.
  • The host company will provide the student with a Certificate of Stay certifying the completion and duration of the placement.
  • The grants will be paid directly to the student and the transfer of funds will be carried out in two phases: a first phase where 80% will be paid and a second phase which will be paid when the student submits the final report and the requested documentation and the OAPEE sends the rest of the funds.
  • The student will be responsible for all transport, accommodation and living expenses. It should be noted that Erasmus Community grants do not cover all the costs incurred in the host country. They are a contribution towards these costs.

STUDENTS INTERESTED in doing the FCT under the Erasmus programme have to contact THEIR TUTORS.

Application deadline: November.

Once all the applications to participate in the programme have been received, the selection of candidates will be made taking into account the following criteria:

1. Language level

2. Academic record

3. Interest and motivation to participate in the programme

4. Report/evaluation of the teaching team and those responsible for the programme.

5. Agreement to accept the commitment made

The selection of beneficiaries will be made among the different professional families taking into account the accommodation capacity, the companies obtained in each host country and the number of places granted by the OAPEE.


Within the framework of the center’s strategic plan and in line with the European Union’s Education and Training 2021-2027 strategy, a series of projects are being carried out at a national and European level with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of teaching and promoting the internationalisation of our activities.

In its commitment to internationalisation, the Center participates in different programs:

  • ERASMUS +: exchange of good practices, development of educational projects with European centers and internships abroad for our students (ERASMUS CHARTER).
  • Cross-border cooperation programs to improve cohesion in training and employment
  • National and regional programs
  • Other international programs: Horizon Europe, LIFE+, ESF, etc.

In this section, we want to show you the projects in which Somorrostro is involved:





KSkills project –Key Skills for Mobility- aims at increasing and improving the mobility of Vocational Education and Training (VET) students by developing a more comprehensive training on key and transversal competencies in order to increase their access and permanence in the labor market.


Project partners:

– Centro de Formación Somorrostro- coordinator (Spain)
– Oblomov, S.L.-Campus2Business (Spain)
– Akademie Überlingen Verwaltungs GmbH (Germany)
– BEST Institut GmbH (Austria)
– South West College (United Kingdom)
– Euroform RFS (Italy)

During the project, partners are developing a diagnosis of existing transversal competencies of VET students and a study on mobility in order to develop a specific training programme. In addition a guide will help to implement it in all EU countries. The specific objectives are:
1. To establish a common frame of reference to the various models of European Vocational Training on key and transversal skills for mobility.
2. To develop training programmes on key and transversal competencies for mobility aimed at VET students.
3. To test and measure the quality and relevance of the training programmes to the specific needs of students in VET.
4. To raise awareness among young students of VET and their family environments on the benefits of mobility.
5. To facilitate social integration in a multicultural environment of VET students and enhance their employability profile and future employment opportunities.
6. To produce an impact on other students, their environments and VET systems.

A pilot mobility experience with students will be undertaken in 2016 in order to evaluate the results and impact of the training programme.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (no. 2014-1-ES01-KA202-004680).

Project website:

logos KSKILS


This international partnership enhances the attractiveness of HE courses in Europe by looking outside of Europe to one of the strongest economies in the world and how they are assigning resources to the care of older people. Creating an opportunity for convergence of 2 different cultural approaches (East meeting West) will bring benefits to Europe’s HE curricula.

The project undertakes some comparative research and creates new practical and theory teaching materials to teach students in HEIs about how East and Western approaches have different ways of working. The project also uses a range of techniques from digital media and Chinese culture to create stimulating ‘memory boxes’ to be used in health and social care and community settings. Outputs included a project website, research findings, teaching and learning material and a peer teaching course plan. ​

Memory Media have deep and long lasting impacts. Those directly involved experiences positive impacts personally and professionally (e.g. increased motivation & satisfaction in their work, development of intercultural skills) and experiences a real sense of achievement. They have a more positive attitude towards the EU which they share with others and experience a better understanding of skills levels in other EU countries. The project brings benefits primarily to students and teachers but also health and social care professionals who also gain valuable new resources that can be used in practical care settings.
Project Number: 2016-1-UK01-KA203-024601

Project partners:

  • Dundee and Angus College and (UK)
  • Forth Valley College (UK)
  • Centro de Formación Somorrostro (Spain)
  • FoU Centrum, Linkopings Kommun (Sweden)
  • Gannan Medical University, (China)

Project web:  https://www.mmdementia.com


The European societies are increasingly diverse in terms of social, cultural and linguistic background. Adult education reflects this diversity, posing challenges to all included: learners, trainers, and administrative staff. Coping successfully with diversity is a demanding task, as a clash of cultures and values is usually involved. The lack of awareness and sensitization on the issue causes often discrimination that can easily lead to harassment, adult bullying, or other forms of aggression. However, the staff of adult education entities (both administrative and trainers) is required to provide high-quality, discrimination-free services that will empower the individual learner to make the most out of his/her potential. It is to address this challenge that the project Diversity in Adult Education (DivInA Edu) is proposed, by introducing effective strategies to cope with diversity in adult education


More specifically, the project pursues the following objectives:

  1. To raise awareness and provide information on diversity issues in adult education
  2. To promote the personal development of adult educators and other stakeholders in adult education
  3. To promote the creation of a safe and equitable learning environment in adult education that will facilitate individuals to take full advantage of the learning opportunities offered to them
  4. To prevent adult bullying and other forms of discrimination in education, thus promoting equity and social cohesion
  5. To build on accumulated experience and disseminate good practices, in order to further advance diversity management in adult education

Project Number: 2016-1-ES01-KA204-025537

Project partners:

Project web: http://diversityadultedu.eu


This project aims to analyse and work on the competences that the European automotive sector is demanding in its workers, focusing mainly on the profiles of Product Engineers, Process Engineers and Development Engineers.



The project consortium will develop:

  • A matrix of competences/skills for the specialisation of professional profiles in the automotive sector.
  • Methodology and training pathways responding to the results obtained in the previous matrix.
  • A practical training course based on real processes in the automotive sector.
  • A guide to implementing the course focusing on the Dual training system.

Target group:

Vocational training centres and other training entities for employment.
Graduates or technicians of higher degree in engineering, physics, automotive, who wish to take a specialisation to improve their knowledge and skills.
Employees of automotive companies, R&D centres, tutors in charge of trainees related to the automotive sector, employees of the sector responsible for trainees, etc.
Other stakeholders such as local development agencies, automotive companies, business associations, investors, automotive-related foundations…

Project partners:

  • IMH – Fundación para la Formación Técnica en Máquina –Herramienta (SP)
  • GTI – Gestamp Technology Institute (SP)
  • Gestamp Louny S.R.O (CZE)
  • Centro de Formación Somorrostro (SP)

Project web UPenAUTO

Project number: 2017-1- ES01-KA203- 038588
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This webpage and the publications it contains reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The technological development and the growing cultural maturity towards the use of smart devices has changed the way we think, plan, implement production and support processes in the industrial sector. The introduction of digital models and technological solutions has led to the rethink the structure of industrial products, the technologies used to create these products as well as the whole supply chain. The digital evolution makes changes to the industrial HR organization, transforming both roles AND competences of most professional profiles employed.


The evolution of European industries is supported by digital solutions and is depicted in what is so-called “Industry 4.0”. A survey conducted by the European Social Fund on the monitoring of professional needs of industry reveals a mismatch between demand and supply of labour through the lens of the skills required. Businesses demand workers specialized in digital skills tailored for the industrial sector. It is therefore necessary to introduce advanced training programs that are able to combine specialized sector expertise with a set of e-leadership and specific digital skills.

The main objectives of the RESTART 4.0 project are:

  • Promote VET initiatives on digital skills targeting self-employed, entrepreneurs, workers, through mixed partnerships involving both training providers and industries, chambers of commerce, trade associations
  • Design training courses to update and requalify workers of the industrial sector, focusing on the uptake of digital skills that are necessary for the development of Industries 4.0
  • Provide e-leadership skills to students, workers and managers that will lead to better employment and career opportunities and make companies more competitive and innovative
  • Foster the recognition across all EU countries of ICT and e-leadership skills applied to the traditional industrial sector through the use of ECVET

Project partners:
Centro Formación Somorrostro (SP)

Project web:

Project Number: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038446


Tackling the digital revolution in adult learning: Virtual Reality Learning in adult learning and education

The objective of the project is to create training for adult trainers to gain technical and transversal skills needed to implement the VR&AR technologies in the classroom.

Logo ViralSkills

Aims and outcomes:

The main aims and activities of the project will be:

  • Implementation of investigative research about available and emerging technologies (hardware and software) and its analysis for the adult learning process as well the necessary competences needed for future adult educators.
  • Development of a web-based compendium about available hardware and software, their potential for learning, pros and cons, etc.
  • Development of a training program for adult managers and educators to raise awareness and gain the necessary knowhow and competences
  • General quality improvement and professionalization of adult educators, trainers or teachers related to the immersion of VR within adult education.
  • Boosting the use of digital resources within adult learning all over Europe


Project partners:

– Auxilium (Austria)
– Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (fhm) gmbh – University of Applied Science (Germany)
-Meath community rural and social development partnership limited (Ireland)
– Universitaet Graz (Austria)
– Co&So -Consorzio per la Cooperazione e la Solidarieta’-Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali-Societa’ Sooperattiva Sociale (Italia)
– Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Eechnology LTD-Cardet (Cyprus)
– Centro de Formación Somorrostro

Project web: https://www.viralskills.eu/en


The aim of this project is to determine the characteristics that future workers will need in the frame of microgrids. The project will develop new training content related to microgrids, the new energy spectrum based on renewable energies at a global level.


Project partners:

-Deltion College (NL)

-South West College (UK)

– CIFP Usurbil LHII (SP)

-Centro de Formación Somorrostro (SP)


Project web: http://microgridserasmusproject.eu

Play your skills

This project is an EU project (running from October 2019 – September 2021). The project aims to create an application for low-skilled people to work on basic skills such as numeracy, literacy and other social skills. It is directed at NEETs to help them gain access to the labour market as well as to counselling and training centres that want to support NEETs on their way into the labour market.

The project will develop a mobile gaming app for identification and documentation of skills and competences for disadvantaged young learners. Through this app, NEETs will discover their potential as well as the skills and competences they already have. App users will be provided with ways to stay in touch with counselling and training centres therefore enabling them to make the correct choices and find ways to be introduced to the labour market.


Project partners:


– Co&So (Italia)

– Future In Perspective Limited (Irlanda)

– E.N.T.E.R. GMBH (Austria)

Project webhttps://www.playyourskills.eu/


The overall purpose of the project will be to develop and test a new model and approach to the development of the skills of health and social care staff working with elderly people with dementia using innovative digital technologies and methodologies. The model will include a strong emphasis on workplace learning and mentoring, as well as the use of online and audiovisual learning resources accessible through a wide range of means, including computers, tablets and smartphones.

This is the platform of the project where you can find all the learning material: https://dementialearning.eu/


Project partners:

– R&D Centre Linkoping (Suecia)

– D&A College (Reino Unido)

– Zemgale Planning Region (Letonia)

– CCD llfov (Rumania)

-Centro de Formación Somorrostro (España)

Project web: https://dementialearning.eu/

21st Century Students

The project will offer school learners as well as their educators’ different perspectives and approaches to find their interests and strengths in STEM education, while providing a better working knowledge of digital design and manufacturing in line with industry needs.  The project aims to tackle skills gaps and mismatches through the creation and rollout of innovative learning tools that better meet the learning needs of students, while also being relevant to our ever-more-technological society.



Project partners

South West College (UK)
The International Hellenic University (GR)
Ludor Engineering (RO)
Platon schools (GR)
FabLab, NGO (CR)
Somorrostro (SP)
The European Institute for Innovation – Technology (GE)

Project web: https://21st-century-students.com


In this project, the features of Virtual reality (VR)  in Altspace and GLUE -environments will be piloted for vocational education and training, and new learning spaces for encounters, learning, teaching, co-creation and sharing will be created.

The results will be inspiring VR learning environments and pedagogical models for use of VR in the pilot fields of mathematics, languages and communications, and electricity.

Tutorials will be arranged for beginners and rookies, to facilitate more and more staff and students getting familiar with Altspace, and participating in the pilots, expert lectures and activities.

Tutorials will be arranged also for the general public, for whom we will offer best practices of blended and online learning, brought on by the Covid.

Project web: https://www.vrinvet.eu/

Project partners:

Keuda Group Vocational education and training, coordinator, Finland

Fondazione Luigi Clerici, Italy

TEC Technical Education Copenhagen, Denmark

Noordepoort College, the Netherlands

Somorrostro, Basque country

GLUE (support partner)


OLA is a 2-year Erasmus+ European project (2021-2023) coordinated by CNR-IRPPS that, following the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, aims at giving an impetus to “open educational resources” and “open educational practices”, as an opportunity to reduce the digital divide in the European educational context, building a more inclusive society.

Open educational resources – intended as free digital educational resources, collaboratively developed by teacher networks with other social actors – already exist, but are still a fragmented reality, not widespread enough and valued at an institutional level. OLA project aims at promoting their development and diffusion by means of MOOC courses for teachers; creation of guidelines about open educational resources for teachers and editors; participative building of an open access online platform usable by teachers to develop and spread multimedia educational scenarios.

By the end of the project, 80 interdisciplinary scenarios related to STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) will be developed, 50 of which will be tested in the 5 partner countries: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain.

A central issue transversal to the project is paying attention to recognizing stereotypes – starting from, but not limited to gender – and values implicitly conveyed by school textbooks and multimedia online resources, so as to promote a wider concept of “digital competences”, including not only strictly technological competences, but also the capability of using online platforms and information sources critically and responsibly, as a premise for exercising a conscious and informed citizenship.


+OLA MOOCs: https://mooc.olaproject.eu/dashboard

+Scenario REPOSITORY: http://repository.include-erasmus.eu/jspui/


Project partners:

CNR-IRPPS (coordinator) IT
Istituto Comprensivo Carducci-King of Casoria IT
University of Cyprus
National Technical University of Athens GR
1° Peiramatiko Gymnasio Athinas of Athens GR
Scoala Gimnaziala Mircea Eliade of Craiova RO
Centro de Formación Somorrostro SP

Visit  the web: https://www.facebook.com/OLAeuproject

Circular VET

The aim of this project is to develop competences for the transition to a circular economy in the metal-mechanical sector.


The project involves creating a database of good circular economy practices in the metal-mechanic sector, a training programme targeted at VET centres, and an educational tool for calculating the carbon footprint.



-HETEL (Spain)
– Prios Kompetanse AS (Norway)
– CF Somorrostro (Spain)

A Micro-Survey Framework for Inclusion and Diversity in Vocational Education

Our project aims to create a question framework for identifying barriers to inclusion and diversity in vocational education and training (VET) schools. This project aims to find and evaluate practice questions across five European VET schools. VET schools struggle to address ID barriers, especially for students with fewer opportunities. Therefore, by asking the students directly, we can get more accurate and actionable feedback to help VET schools make positive changes.

The main results of our project include a validated set of questions that vocational schools can use to identify and address inclusion and diversity barriers. Our project will also build capacity among participating partners and demonstrate how technology can be used to gather insights and remove barriers. We expect this project to have a lasting impact on vocational education in Europe and beyond by creating more inclusive and diverse learning environments for all students.


-Foundational Research and Analysis about school dropout
-Designing the Inclusion and Diversity Questionnaire
-Gathering Insights and Addressing Barriers


– Rakvere Ametikool (Estonia)
– StudentPulse A/S (Denmark)
– ROC Noorderpoort (Netherlands)
– Centro de Formación Somorrostro (Spain)