Radio Popular has broadcasted today its morning program “Egunon magazine” from our center. Cristina Maestro, Leire Argandoña and May Madrazo with their wireless microphone have shown what life is like in Somorrostro. Our colleagues Raquel Ruiz and Ana Carcelén have told us about the activities organized by the Agenda 2030 team, Ana Martínez has explained the “Arboretum” project and how…
On December 1st, as part of the orientation process for students in the 2nd year of Bachillerato, we held the seventh edition of our University Orientation Fair, and this time we were able to do it in person again. Second-year students who intend to enter university from vocational training are also invited to this fair. On this occasion, around 20…
The students of Somorrostro look through this purple window to make visible and denounce inequalities, aggressions, the violation of human rights and gender violence, both explicit and hidden. And you, do you see it? In addition, they have used the day to pay a small tribute to the women around them who are references in their lives: mothers, friends,…
The Economic Promotion and Employment Department of Trapagaran Town Council has launched the 9th edition of the Business Grant Programme with the aim of promoting the study of Vocational Training for people from the municipality. Specifically, this year it will promote the studies of 12 young people under the age of 30 registered in the municipality who are studying Vocational…
Students from our Agenda 2030 team participated in the Municipal Environment Forum held yesterday, 17 November, at the Muskiz Cultural Centre and chaired by Ainara Leiba, Mayor of Muskiz, Javier García, Councillor for the Environment, and Eder Sánchez, Environment Technician. This forum has served as a welcome to all the people participating in the school Agenda 2030 programme this year,…
The 10th and 11th November, the International Vocational Training Congress “VET in the age of humanity, technology and intelligence” was held at the Kursaal Conference Centre in Donostia-San Sebastián. VET managers and teachers from Somorrostro attended this event in which they talked about the challenges of VET, the company of the future and the role of Vocational Training in it,…
The 7th Vocational Training Congress, organised by the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza, was held in Toledo on 4 and 5 November. Its aim is to reflect on the situation, challenges and horizons of Vocational Training in Spain, as well as to serve as a meeting point for all the actors involved in it. The central…
The awards ceremony of the 4th edition of the Jazotakoa Jaso video clip awards, organised by the Bilbao Diocese Cultural Entities Board, took place today. The event, streamed by the students and teachers of Telecommunications of Somorrostro, was directed by the director of Radio Popular and Bizkaia Irratia, Javi Onaindia and presided over by the Bishop of Bilbao, Mons. Segura,…
Once again this year our centre is taking part in the ESAN EZ project organised by Bidesari and the Prison Pastoral of the Diocese of Bilbao. It is a project for the prevention of drug use among young people, in which the aim is to raise awareness in adolescents of the dangers of drug use and criminal behaviour through the…
The IV International Coeducation Congress organised by CLAVICO (Claustro Virtual de Coeducación) and sponsored by the Women’s Institute for Equal Opportunities took place on 16 and 17 October at the Carlos III University of Madrid. A gathering forum, this time in person, in which we had the opportunity to learn with people such as Teresa Meana, Miguel Ángel Arconada, Ana…