VIII VET Congress: Building the VET School of the Future

On 26 and 27 October, the 8th Vocational Training Congress organised by the FP Empresa Association and the CaixaBank Foundation was held in Donosti. Around 700 professionals from the world of Vocational Training from all over Spain were able to take part in this event, which was attended by the Secretary General for Vocational Training, Clara Sanz, and the Deputy…

The second edition of the Master’s Degree in Hydrogen Technologies is now launched.

Last Friday 14th October, the second edition of the “Master’s Degree in Hydrogen Technologies” was presented at the AS Fabrik Campus of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Bilbao, a training programme promoted by the Repsol-Petronor Group, designed and backed by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, and the…

Desayunos saludables con GASCA

Este curso hemos reanudado el proyecto educativo que teníamos con la empresa GASCA, empresa que gestiona nuestro comedor escolar. El objetivo no es otro que dar a conocer a nuestro alumnado diferentes aspectos relacionados con una alimentación equilibrada.   Entre las diferentes actividades planificadas está el “DESAYUNO SALUDABLE”. GASCA, a través de una de sus dietistas, ha enseñado a nuestro alumnado de…

Successful conclusion of the first edition of the mixed employment-training programme “GAZTE ON”.

This September the first edition of the Provincial Council’s employment-training program, GAZTE ON, came to an end. Aimed at young people between 18 and 23 years of age who were minors under guardianship. Somorrostro with the support of Cáritas has developed two itineraries: Welding and Surface Treatments; aimed at the insertion of these young people, mainly in the company  Haizea Wind,…

SIEMENS GAMESA is looking for workers among our students.

On 15 September, Siemens Gamesa representatives came to the Somorrostro Training Centre to share with the 1st and 2nd year students of the Renewable Energies, Mechatronics and Electrotechnical and Automated Systems higher degree courses, the possibilities of working with them in the areas of set up and maintenance of wind farms.   We had the pleasure of receiving Luis Mari…

Our STEAM projects awarded in Galicia

On 16, 17 and 18 September, the 5th edition of Open Science was held in the Galician town of Cambre (A Coruña), organised by the David Buján Secondary School Science Club. The projects “Behin betiko bideokonsola”, carried out by 2nd ESO students and “Eguzki hozkailu jasangarria” carried out by 4th ESO students, represented the Basque Country as the winners of…

Czech exchange students in Somorrostro

From 18th to 23rd September, ten Czech students from the Zlin Gymnazium school will be in Somorrostro, returning the visit that our 4thESO students (now in the 1st year of Bachillerato) did in May. Accompanied by two teachers, they will take advantage of these days to visit our surroundings (Itsaslur and Arena beach, El Pobal ironworks, Hanging Bridge, Old Port…

New academic year 2022/2023

These are the timetables for the presentations of all levels of the school for the next academic year 22/23. You can also download the school calendars at the following link: PRESENTATIONS ESO  Thursday 8 of September  Suberri 10:00 – DBH 1. / 1º ESO 10:30 – DBH 2. / 2º ESO 11:00- DBH 3. / 3º ESO 11:30 – DBH…

BIDEAN 2022: a golden ending for an era

After two years without celebrating our traditional closing ceremony in ESO, this Friday 17th, we celebrated the gala award ceremony for the 4th ESO students. More than 100 students, accompanied by their families, attended an event that was chaired by Txema Saenz, pedagogical responsible of Somorrostro and Fernando Mielgo, academic responsible of ESO. The gala, which began with the traditional…

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