Last Friday, June 14th we celebrated at the Meatzari Aretoa of #Muskiz the graduation gala of our 4th ESO students. With a theater full of family and friends we enjoyed a lot of emotional moments in an event that featured two very special performances: Kristina Izaguirre and Claudia Coello, students of 4th B, surprised us all with their spectacular dances and Iñigo Duo (4th A) delighted us with the rhythm he put to his drums.
The gala, presented by ESO teachers Ehari Fernández and Irune González, included speeches by the students, academic leaders and the long-awaited video clip that we traditionally make with our students:
We cannot forget that this promotion began at the center four years ago with masks on, without being able to see each other’s faces, and this was also reflected in the photographic montage with which we opened the gala: