The students of the 1st and 2nd year of the Chemistry and Environmental Health Higher VET Course had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of circular economy and the analysis of the life cycle of products, thanks to the visit of Elisabet Amat, Telecommunications Engineer, Master in Industrial Ecology and consultant at Greenbiz. What is the life cycle…
This year, our 1st ESO students are embarking on a new edition of the Inspira STEAM project, an initiative promoted by the University of Deusto that seeks to encourage interest in STEAM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), especially among girls. The project is based on awareness and orientation sessions guided by professional mentors from the scientific and technological…
Lanbide-Basque Employment Service has approved the Lehen Aukera 2025 call for applications for the hiring of unemployed young people under 30 years of age in companies with work centers in the Basque Country, Lehen Aukera Program. These grants are aimed at companies for the hiring of unemployed persons under 30 years of age. Training contracts (full or part-time of no…
Se ha publicado el proceso de admisión para realizar estudios de secundaria (ESO) el próximo curso 2025/2026 (BOPV N.º 4, lunes 8 de enero de 2025). El calendario del mismo es: Entrega de solicitudes y documentación acreditativa: del 3 al 14 de febrero de 2025 On-line: del 3 al 14 de febrero de 2025 En el centro educativo solicitado en primer lugar: en…
At Somorrostro Training Centre we are firmly committed to training in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data, areas that are transforming the labour and social landscape. This commitment is reflected both in the activities carried out at our centre and in our participation in national initiatives that promote excellence in these fields. Training day on AI…
Vocational training continues to evolve, and the Renewable Energies classroom at our school has become the epicentre of two cutting-edge innovation projects led by Maialen Artetxe. Thanks to the collaboration with other educational institutions and companies in the sector, these projects are marking a before and after in how the operation of a hydroelectric and pumping plant is taught. Two…
El pasado viernes 13 de diciembre, el Centro de Formación Somorrostro celebró la I Feria de Emprendimiento, un evento dirigido a los alumnos de 2º de Ciclos de Grado Medio y Superior con el objetivo de fomentar la cultura emprendedora entre los jóvenes. Durante la jornada, diez entidades especializadas en el apoyo a emprendedores acudieron al centro para ofrecer información,…
El Centro Formación Somorrostro ha sido reconocido por el Gobierno Vasco a través de EUSKALIT, con el premio a la Gestión Avanzada en el elemento “Clientes” en una gala que se ha celebrado este miércoles 11 de diciembre, en el Palacio Euskalduna de Bilbao. La entrega de galardones corrió a cargo de las y los consejeros Mikel Jauregi (Industria, Transición…
Hoy hemos celebrado en nuestro centro la X edición de la Feria de Orientación Universitaria, un evento que se ha consolidado como una oportunidad clave para que nuestro alumnado de 2º de Bachillerato y 2º de Ciclos de Grado Superior explore sus opciones de futuro. Más de 20 universidades y escuelas universitarias de diferentes regiones del estado han instalado…
“We don’t want to live on handouts; we want to learn a trade and build a solid future for ourselves and our families.” In a world where training and employment are key tools for social integration, Alhagi Ceesay and Abdelaziz Louastani stand out as examples of effort and perseverance. Both are part of the 4th edition of the Gazte…