Alejandro Peña (SMR2-2nd grade student) is a young entrepreneur who, at just 17 years old, is already a founding partner of a company with 8 franchises in Spain and hopes to expand to other countries soon. As he defines himself, he is a manager who does not work as a manager, who likes to be close to employees and customers.…
Last Thursday 26th September, the first meeting took place between the CIFP Tartanga, Mondragón Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, and our centre (with the representation of our colleagues Vicente Llarena and María Santisteban) to launch the project ‘Implementation of high capacity networks for real-time control of automated systems using immersive technologies’. This project aims to explore the use of Virtual Reality…
Last Saturday, 28 September, the inaugural ‘GOAZEN’ day of the new pastoral course of the Diocese of Bilbao took place. With the motto ‘Etorkizunari begira’ (Looking to the future), a series of events to commemorate the 75th anniversary of our diocese began. Almost a thousand people gathered in Derio in a festive atmosphere to participate in this first celebration. After…
The participants in the fourth edition of the Lan Berri programme promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and in which Somorrostro participates hand in hand with HETEL, an association that brings together 33 Basque VET schools, have been presented today in our centre. The aim of this project is the insertion in the labour market of young people up…
This master’s degree is promoted and coordinated by 5 universities and 6 training and research centres, including the Somorrostro Training Centre. In the three editions of the master’s degree that have been launched so far, 190 professionals have been trained. The fourth edition will start on 18 October and can be taken 100% online. A total of 48 people…
Once again, we have launched the educational project ‘Healthy Breakfasts’ in collaboration with GASCA, the company in charge of our school canteen. The aim of this programme is for students in 1st ESO to learn the importance of a balanced diet, especially at the first meal of the day. The activity was divided into three parts. First, the students attended…
The 11th Trapagaran BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME 2024 has been launched for the eleventh time. In this edition there are 3 companies sponsoring it. All of them are medium-sized and large companies in the town or directly linked to it. Amazon, 686 Transportes Logísticos y Portuarios and Talleres Alju are the companies participating in this programme promoted by the Employment and…
From today, Tuesday, until next Friday, our school is hosting the course ‘Development of projects with Machine Learning algorithms’, aimed at Vocational Training (FP) teachers from all over Spain. A total of 30 teachers from different centres in Spain, specialised in the postgraduate course in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, will participate in this 30-hour training course. The course aims…
Until 30 September 2024, the deadline to apply for grants and study aids for non-university students for the academic year 2024-2025 (in our case aimed at students of ESO, Bachillerato and FP) will be open. You can now apply online at the following web address: Applications can be made in person at the centre’s secretary’s office from 9…
Throughout the school year, students in the ESO diversification classroom participate in a unique and enriching project that combines hands-on learning with the development of fundamental skills. This project, centred on the school garden, stands out as a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) initiative that fosters meaningful learning and personal growth. The project begins with soil preparation,…