Lanbide-Servicio Vasco de Empleo ha aprobado la convocatoria Lehen Aukera 2024, destinadas a la contratación de personas jóvenes desempleadas menores de 30 años en empresas con centros de trabajo en País Vasco, Programa Lehen Aukera . Son ayudas destinadas a empresas para la contratación de personas desempleadas menores de 30 años, dirigidas a la realización de contratos en prácticas (los contratos…
The Somorrostro Training Center has been recognized by the Basque Government through EUSKALIT, with the award for Advanced Management in Innovation at a gala that was held this Tuesday, December 19, at the Palacio Europa in Vitoria-Gasteiz and that has had an extensive representation of the Basque Government, as the awards were presented by the Ministers Jokin Bildarratz (Education), Nerea…
At the beginning of this academic year 2023/2024, our center applied, through the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training of the Basque Government, for state recognition as a Center of Excellence. In the recently published resolution 21 new centers, including Somorrostro, have been selected to be part of the state network of centers of excellence of FP 2023 of the Ministry of…
Serán al menos un total de 145 las personas que logren la inserción laboral a la finalización del primer año de la actividad formativa, en empresas del sector industrial de Bizkaia, con actividad medioambientalmente sostenible, con buenas condiciones laborales y sueldos dignos. El programa impulsado y financiado desde la Diputación, en colaboración con Haizea Wind, el Centro de Formación Somorrostro…
The Telecommunications Department at Somorrostro Training Centre continues to consolidate its commitment to research and application of 5G technology. With several years of experience dedicated to pioneering projects, such as the development of technologies for the connected and autonomous car using 5G, as well as 5G satellite communications in collaboration with educational centres in other autonomous communities and leading companies…
Después del éxito que cosechó esta actividad el curso pasado, las charlas de orientación de antiguos alumnos a nuestros estudiantes de 4º ESO han vuelto. Qué mejor manera de ver las diferentes posibilidades que tienen nuestros chicos y chicas que terminan la secundaria que con el testimonio de nuestros “alumnis”. El primero en pasar este año ha sido Ethan…
Once again this year, we participated with the Bidesari Association in the ESAN EZ project, a project for the prevention of addictions and risky behaviour among adolescents from educational centres, through 4 training and information sessions in the classroom and in which people deprived of their liberty also participate by giving their testimony. Our students of Basic VET participated in…
“The importance of bone marrow donation” Thanks to the “Asociación Deportiva Cultural El Cerro de La Llosa” of Muskiz, today we have had an exceptional talk at the centre by BioCruces Bizkaia, the leading health research institute in Bizkaia, who have come to talk to us about bone marrow transplants and childhood cancer. The speakers, Itziar Astigarraga, Cruces Paediatric Oncology…
Last Thursday 19th October, the XARXA FP Mobility Managers meeting was held in Munich. Our colleague Nere Sierra attended the meeting on behalf of Muskiz. At the meeting, the different mobility managers, representing cities from all over Europe, had the opportunity to carry out various activities and dynamics to promote interaction between them and get to know each other better.…
Once again this year our students wanted to join in the “World Breast Cancer Day” and help to raise awareness of cancer, its prevention and research. Every year we carry out different awareness-raising talks so that our boys and girls can see the extent of this disease and the importance of screening for early diagnosis. This year we also wanted…