30 teachers from all over Spain take part in a course on Artificial Intelligence in Somorrostro

From today, Tuesday, until next Friday, our school is hosting the course ‘Development of projects with Machine Learning algorithms’, aimed at Vocational Training (FP) teachers from all over Spain. A total of 30 teachers from different centres in Spain, specialised in the postgraduate course in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, will participate in this 30-hour training course.

The course aims to provide participants with the necessary knowledge about supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms in Machine Learning, as well as to enable them to develop complete projects in this field, from the design of the phases to their execution.

This course is part of the actions derived from the appointment of our centre as ‘Centre of the State VET Network of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data’, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport. As part of this recognition, over the coming months, various AI projects will be carried out in collaboration with other schools and companies, to promote the development and implementation of these technologies in VET.

Among the planned actions, a market study will also be carried out to identify the needs of professional profiles linked to Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Training. In addition, work will be carried out on the adaptation of spaces and the provision of the necessary resources for the development of AI projects.

These initiatives are funded by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport and the European Union – Next Generation.

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