The students of group 1D of Bachillerato visit the facilities of the company Jeremias España S.A.U. in Iurreta.
Award ceremony for the XXVIII Marcelo Gangoiti saria prize in recognition of the business work to revitalise the Left Bank and Mining Area. This event is organised by the SPRI, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Cebek and the Somorrostro Training Centre, with the collaboration of EITB and Radio Popular.
Students from the 1st year of Bachillerato visit the LABORATORIUM museum in Bergara.
Bachillerato students visit the Mondragon Unibertsitatea campus in Zorrozaurre
Students of the 2nd year of the Higher Degree in Administration and Finance visit the Basque Parliament in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The 2nd year students of the Renewable Energies higher degree group visit the Zabalgarbi waste energy recovery plant in Bilbao.
Doble visita del grupo de QSA3-1º a las depuradoras de Venta Alta en Arrigorriaga y Ariadi en Iurreta
El grupo de primero de Energías Renovables visita la instalación fotovoltaica de la EDAP de Venta Alta en Arrigorriaga
The students of Bachillerato 1º F visit the Orbea company’s facilities in Mallabia
The students of the ESO support class take traditional Christmas desserts made by themselves to the Caritas soup kitchen in Barakaldo.