Radio Popular has broadcasted today its morning program “Egunon magazine” from our center. Cristina Maestro, Leire Argandoña and May Madrazo with their wireless microphone have shown what life is like in Somorrostro.
Our colleagues Raquel Ruiz and Ana Carcelén have told us about the activities organized by the Agenda 2030 team, Ana Martínez has explained the “Arboretum” project and how you can discover the history of Muskiz following the 19 routes that she has developed with students of Environmental Education and Computer Science, Juli Moreno and Yolanda Marcos have told us how we work in the center with the students of the support classroom, our work to make an inclusive education and give them all the visibility they deserve and Sofia Juanes has accompanied May Madrazo on a walk through our botanical garden, Somogarden.
To close the morning in the best possible way, with the testimony of a former student, Andrea Astudillo, patron of Arraun lagunak, winner this year of the Eusko tren league and the Concha flag, who has told us about her experience in rowing and the legacy left in her by her years of study in the ESO and Bachillerato in Somorrostro.
A beautiful morning of radio with our friends of Radio Popular to which Ainara Leiba, mayoress of Muskiz, has put the final point.