On December 1st, as part of the orientation process for students in the 2nd year of Bachillerato, we held the seventh edition of our University Orientation Fair, and this time we were able to do it in person again. Second-year students who intend to enter university from vocational training are also invited to this fair. On this occasion, around 20 universities have set up their stand in the Suberri assembly hall to present their offer for the next academic year.
Our boys and girls have been able to solve their doubts with the representatives of the different universities such as the University School of Physiotherapy Gimbernat of Torrelavega, University of Cantabria, University of Deusto, Begoñako Andramari, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Digipen-Bilbao, UPV-School of Engineering of Bilbao, Faculty of Labour Relations and Resources, UNED, IMH-Elgoibar, Chamber of Commerce, European University of Madrid, University San Jorge De Zaragoza, University Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid), University of Navarra, European University of the Atlantic (Santander) and the European University of Madrid, University of Santander, UNED, IMH-Elgoibar, Chamber of Commerce, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad San Jorge De Zaragoza, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid), Universidad de Navarra, Universidad Europea del Atlántico (Santander) and our own centre explaining the mechatronics engineering degree and also the Higher Level Vocational Training Cycles and the subsequent access from them to university.
Galery photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5HdZmtcW9xbenAyt7