The order regulating the admission process for students for the academic year 24/25, in Bachillerato, has been published.
This Order establishes the following calendar:
-Submission of applications and documentation: from 8 to 19 April, inclusive. If you are going to pre-enroll at the centre, you must make an appointment beforehand:
-Modification of application data: until 24 April.
-Publication of the list of applicants: 30 April.
-Publication of the provisional lists of those admitted and on the waiting list: 7 May.
-Claims to the provisional lists of those admitted and on the waiting list: up to and including 14 May.
-Withdrawal of the application: up to and including 14 May.
-Publication of the definitive lists of those admitted and on the waiting list: 21 May.
-Ordinary enrolment period: from 17 June to 2 July inclusive.
-Deadline for lodging appeals against the definitive lists of those admitted and on the waiting list: until 18 June inclusive.
-Validity of the waiting list: until 27 September.
More information (documentation, itineraries, criteria, etc.) on this link