LANBIDE-Basque Employment Service has approved the call for grants, for the year 2022, for hiring unemployed young people under 30 years old in Basque companies.
The purpose of this call is to establish the bases and regulate the aid to be granted for the hiring of young unemployed people, with little or no previous work experience, in jobs related to their qualifications, by Basque companies or other entities included in the call, as a measure to improve their employability, through the acquisition of professional experience, and to consolidate their integration into the labour market.
From our Employment Access Centre (CAE) (94 670 81 94 – we can help you with the management of these grants.
summary brochure with the conditions
Eligible actions for companies
1.– Subsidies may be awarded under this call for applications for permanent contracts as well as internship contracts of at least 6 months’ duration, the purpose of which is the performance of jobs in work centres located in the ACBC, signed with young people who, on the date of commencement of the contract, meet the conditions set out in article 5 of the order.
These contracts must start from the day after the publication of this call in the BOPV until 31 October 2022.
2.– Contracts eligible under this call for proposals must comply with the provisions of the Workers’ Statute and other applicable legislation and must, in any case, meet the following requirements:
- Recruitment must relate to jobs appropriate to the level of studies or training undertaken by the person recruited.
- Contracts must be formalised in writing, expressly stating the worker’s qualifications, the start date and, where appropriate, the end date of the contract, the working day and the duration of the contract, as well as the job to be performed.
- The gross annual remuneration must be stated in the contract, quantified in euros, and may not be less than the following amounts depending on the academic qualifications.
- Contracts may be full-time or part-time; in the latter case, never less than 70% of the established working day.
This call is aimed at the recruitment of young people, over 16 and under 30 years of age, who meet the following requirements:
a) Residing in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
b) Be registered as a job seeker with Lanbide-Basque Employment Service and unemployed at the time the contract is formalised.
c) Hold one of the qualifications included in this point:
- Bachelor’s Degree, Engineering, Architecture or Master’s Degree-Bologna Plan.
- University Diploma, Technical Engineering, Technical Architecture or University Degree – Bologna Plan.
- Higher or Intermediate Technician of regulated Vocational Training, of specific vocational training, with the qualifications of Assistant Technician (FP1) and Specialist Technician (FP2) being equivalent to the above.
- Basic Vocational Training.
- Other qualifications officially recognised as equivalent to the above.
Certificate of professionalism.
d) Have a maximum of 6 months’ work experience in jobs related to your degree.
More information and collaboration in the management of the grants
Whether you are one of the beneficiaries of this employment plan or one of the companies that want to hire young people through this programme, Somorrostro, as a Lanbide Collaborating Centre and Manager of Lehen Aukera, helps you with the processing of the subsidy and manages the offer through Lanbide, which is compulsory to apply for this aid, at the level of the Basque Country.
Contact our Employment Access Centre (CAE) by phone: 94 670 81 94 or by e-mail: