VET Open Days 2023/2024

If you are interested in finding out about our wide range of Vocational Training courses (Basic Level, Intermediate Level and Higher Level) you can attend the open days that we will be held on 3 and 10 May. To do this you must register in the corresponding form:



 3rd May(17:00)

Meeting point:
For the BASIC cycles: Assembly hall of the Villarías building (main building).
For intermediate cycles: Auditorium of the Suberri building (next to the school cafeteria).

Registration form:


 10th May (17:00)

Meeting point: Salón de Actos del edificio Suberri (Junto a la cafetería)

Registration form:

If you are interested in finding out about our wide range of Vocational Training cycles (Basic Level, Intermediate Level and Higher Level) you can attend the PERSONALISED Orientation Days that we hold at the school every day. All you have to do is register on the following form and we will contact you to choose the day and time that suits you best:

Complete VET offer 2023/2024

Basic VET degrees 
  • Hairdressing and beautician (hairdressing option)
  • Metal element manufacturing (welding option)
  • Home maintenance (plumbing – heating option)
  • Electricity and electronics
VET degrees 

Electricity and Electronics Family
IEA2 Instalaciones eléctricas y automáticas
IT2 Instalaciones de Telecomunicaciones

Transport and Vehicle Maintenance Family
EM2 Electromecánica de vehículos automóviles

IT and Communications Family
SMR2 Sistemas microinformáticos y redes

Administration and Management Family
GA2 Gestión administrativa

Sociocultural and Community Services Family
AS2 Atención a personas en situación de dependencia

Mechanical Manufacturing Family
ME2 Mecanizado
SC2 Soldadura y calderería

Installation and Maintenance Family
IM2 Mantenimiento electromecánico

Higher VET degrees 

Electricity and Electronics Family
AR3 Automatización y Robótica Industrial
ST3 Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones e Informáticos
SEA3 Sistemas Electrotécnicos y Automatizados
ME3 Mantenimiento Electrónico
Administration and Management Family
AF3 Administración y Finanzas
Commerce and Marketing Family
MP3 Marketing y Publicidad
IT and Communications Family
ASI3 Administración de Sistemas Informáticos
DAM3 Desarrollo de aplicaciones multiplataforma
Transport and Vehicle Maintenance Family
AU3 Automoción
Installation and Maintenance Family
MI3 Mecatrónica Industrial
PR3 Prevención de Riesgos Profesionales
Mechanical Manufacturing Family
DFM3 Diseño en Fabricación Mecánica
PP3 Programación de la Producción en Fabricación Mecánica
CM3 Construcciones Metálicas
Safety and Environment Family
QSA3 Química y Salud Ambiental
Energy and Water
ER3 Energías Renovables

Specialisation courses



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