
Estudiantes vizcaínos de 4º de la ESO asisten al Centro Somorrostro a la sexta y última Jornada de Orientación STEM en Bizkaia

Son encuentros rápidos con profesionales para que el alumnado conozca la diversidad de las profesiones vinculadas a la ciencia y la tecnología (STEM) desarrolladas en empresas industriales o tecnológicas, así como en instituciones universitarias y científicas Enmarcada en Estrategia STEAM Euskadi del Gobierno Vasco, la iniciativa está impulsada por los departamentos de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovación y el de Educación, en…

First steps of the project “Implementación de una red privada celular 5G para la producción de eventos deportivos de alto nivel”

El pasado 11 de octubre tuvo lugar la primera reunión del proyecto de innovación e investigación aplicadas y transferencia del conocimiento en la Formación Profesional entre el Institut Narcís Xifra i Masmitjà, Institut FP Sant Cugat, el Centro Formación Somorrostro y la empresa colaboradora G93, para poner en marcha el proyecto “Implementación de una red privada celular 5G para la…

Connection between generations: Intergenerational Solidarity Project in Muskiz

At the Somorrostro Training Centre, we continue to be committed to solidarity and shared learning. In collaboration with the Muskiz Day Centre, this year we are once again launching the Intergenerational Solidarity Project, an initiative that brings Basic Vocational Training students of Hairdressing and Aesthetics closer to the elderly, generating an enriching exchange of knowledge and experiences. The value of…

Innovation in VET: Maintenance 4.0, a leap towards the future

We continue to make progress in the presentation of the innovation projects in which our school is involved, with 22 of them funded by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports (MEC). Today we highlight the project ‘“Mantenimiento 4.0 para sistemas de transmisión industrial”, led by our teachers Christian Calderón and Jorge Monja, from the Industrial Mechatronics and Industrial…

First steps of the project ‘Implementation of high-capacity networks for real-time control of automated systems using immersive technologies’

Last Thursday 26th September, the first meeting took place between the CIFP Tartanga, Mondragón Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, and our centre (with the representation of our colleagues Vicente Llarena and María Santisteban) to launch the project ‘Implementation of high capacity networks for real-time control of automated systems using immersive technologies’.   This project aims to explore the use of Virtual Reality…

Presentation of the fourth call for applications for the ‘LAN BERRI’ employment guidance and employability project.

The participants in the fourth edition of the Lan Berri programme promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and in which Somorrostro participates hand in hand with HETEL, an association that brings together 33 Basque VET schools, have been presented today in our centre. The aim of this project is the insertion in the labour market of young people up…

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