The 7th Vocational Training Congress, organised by the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza, was held in Toledo on 4 and 5 November. Its aim is to reflect on the situation, challenges and horizons of Vocational Training in Spain, as well as to serve as a meeting point for all the actors involved in it. The central theme of the congress is: VET, challenges for a world in transition.
Throughout the two days, different presentations and round tables were held to discuss issues related to VET. The first of these was moderated by our colleague Sergio San Martín, secretary of FPEmpresa and Director of Innovation at Somorrostro, in which the social agents gave their opinion on the new VET Law. The debate was attended by representatives of CEOE, CCOO and UGT, who were able to discuss their vision of the new VET law, its positive aspects and areas for improvement, the position of the social partners regarding this new law and especially the importance of “lifelong learning” and the need to unify the two subsystems of Vocational Training, formal VET and VET for employment, aimed more at employed or unemployed people.
Sergio San Martín also moderated the “Applied Technology Classroom” round table with the participation of Sergio Ponz Belenguer, Innovae and Daniel de Lima, Director of implementation and after-sales service at Urbegi Iniciativas Sociales.
At the congress, different people and institutions were recognised for their trajectory in the world of VET, among them the Vice-Minister of VET of the Basque Government, Jorge Arévalo, and the prizes for the last three Dualiza Bankia calls were awarded to the winning schools, among them our school. The award was collected by Javier Laiseca, director of C.F. Somorrostro.