IV edition of the “Jazotakoa jaso” awards in Somorrostro

The awards ceremony of the 4th edition of the Jazotakoa Jaso video clip awards, organised by the Bilbao Diocese Cultural Entities Board, took place today. The event, streamed by the students and teachers of Telecommunications of Somorrostro, was directed by the director of Radio Popular and Bizkaia Irratia, Javi Onaindia and presided over by the Bishop of Bilbao, Mons. Segura, who in his speech highlighted the interdisciplinary work of the competition, in which important values such as “teamwork” are emphasised.


Among the audience present in the auditorium of our school, we welcomed the students of Berakruz ikastola, winners of the prize for the best video clip with their work “Erantzi mozorroak”, who wanted to highlight how this competition has allowed them to deepen their understanding of the stigmas and non-peaceful actions through which we marginalise some people “because they are different”.

Our 2nd BC-B group received the prize for the best video clip in the Bachillerato category from the hands of Mons. Segura with their work Elkarbizitzaren historia.

In this fourth edition, the main theme of the works has been “Peace, coexistence and reconciliation”, to commemorate the fact that 2021 is the International Year of Peace and Trust. The theme for the 2022 edition will focus on ecology.

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