On the 30th of September we will officially launch our ALUMNI NETWORK with a party to which all former Somorrostro students are invited. We will meet in the assembly hall of the Suberri building at 18:00 with the intention of sharing experiences, seeing old classmates and presenting the new network. Apúntate aquí antes del martes 27 de septiembre The ALUMNI…

Open Science in Cambre (Galicia)

The projects “Behin betiko bideokonsola”, done by 2nd ESO students and “Eguzki hozkailu jasangarria” done by 4th ESO students, both winners of the last two editions of the Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka, will represent the Basque Country in this important international fair held in Galicia. You can follow the fair on streaming at the following link

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